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About Us

Soul Well Collective was formed as organically as the founders who came together to create it. Jo Lean, a former corporate event planner and Candice Allen a real estate agent found themselves connecting at a networking event and happened to find that “click”. You know the one, where you just speak with someone and instantly know you’re going to be great friends. That event has since sparked a great friendship, one that Jo and Candice want to share with others who want to truly connect and enjoy a sense of community and higher wellness.


They have come together to form Soul Well Collective as a place that brings women together who want to learn about and manifest their best lives in all areas including, health, wellness, self-love, romantic love, money, career, and success - just to name a few.  



Candice and Jo

Learn About Candice and Jo

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Candice Allen

Candice Allen a full-time real estate salesperson and entrepreneur has always found that the self-talk and stories we tell ourselves is the root to our success or our unhappiness. Growing up in an environment where money and success seemed hard and fleeting, she took it upon herself to gain the education she so desired to learn all about money, wealth, and success. Her passion is to help educate women on how they can reach their money, wealth, and success goals by learning to de-program the stories and self-talk they’ve grown up with, and change the script to mindfully manifest their desires.

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Jo Lean


Jo Lean a former award-winning corporate event planner turned her life around 3 years ago after a devastating demotion. It was a blessing in disguise, as it highlighted to her an unfulfilling life of burnout, auto-pilot and negative

self--talk/image.  Her journey to spirituality and wellness has transformed her life to learning to love herself wholly, to discovering blockages and releasing them and manifesting not only self-love but a romantic partner (after 13 years of being single.)  Her mission and passion is to share the light with women to discover their infinite power by learning to love themselves and manifesting abundance in love and life.

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